Thursday, 7 June 2018

l i b r a r y s t o r i e s

We’ve been looking into residencies/graduate opportunities and have been tipped off about a residency in Ipswich library. At first this may sound dull but when we think about the potential it becomes very exciting. It’s only a small proposal and it’s a good exercise to get into. Our initial thoughts would be something to do with the books themselves and how they can be a vehicle to tell a story. Something we love in when you buy a second-hand book and find a note inside. Whether it’s a shopping list or a love letter, it gives you a small insight into the person who had the book before you. This could then join up with other notes and stories that all contribute to an overall narrative. It’s only in its initial stages of thought and we’ve got about a week to think about it but it would be great to have a digital reference point too, so that people could perhaps input their pieces of the story. We’re thinking that it’s similar to Millicent Place with a real-world grounding.