Thursday, 31 May 2018

w e l c o m e t o t h e r e a l w o r l d

The degree show is now completely non-existent. We took it to pieces and then threw the whole thing in the skip. It’s a strange but pleasurable experience to destroy something which you’ve spent so much time and energy on. More people should probably go through this process to teach them not to be so precious about stuff. We remember in first year where they try to get you into that sort of headspace by getting you to make loads of work and not worrying about the consequences. However, the real test is if you can spend literally hundreds of pounds on making something for it only to exist for 6 days. Not that people shouldn’t keep stuff or be proud of what they’re produced. But sometimes it may have served its purpose and it becomes a burden. Our practice and work is potentially much more suited to a commission/residency style; meaning that we really enjoy producing site-specific/experiential art and this means it generally doesn’t have a life outside of that context. This is definitely something to think about moving forward as we have to work out how to exist as artists. We don’t make beautiful objects that people want to hang on their wall or have in their garden, but that’s only one of many avenues to go down. 

Speaking of working out how to be artists, we’re in the process of putting together our application for a studio. Unfortunately, due to the number of applications they’re going to receive, what you’re allowed to send in is quite restrictive; only 5 images with no context other than your answers to 3 questions about what you think you’ll gain from the programme. There are only 8 places and due to being a collaboration we will take up 2 spaces (something we don’t necessarily fully understand and must be due to fire safety etc.). This will either work in our favour, we’re clearly open to working in a shared space, or not because we take up the space of two people but are technically one artist. Either way, we’ll just move on to another place if it doesn’t work out so it’s not the end of the world.