Sunday, 13 August 2017

o u r f i r s t f e s t i v a l

So the preparation for Aespia has basically been completed! They organisers came and picked up the bits we won’t be carrying on the train today. The building of the flats actually went better than expected although having the materials delivered would have saved a lot of time and effort. They stand up by themselves and are absolutely massive (2.4m tall) so should be perfect for the ad board - just need to keep our fingers crossed there’s no unexpected giant gusts of wind *Smiling Face With Open Mouth & Cold Sweat* emoji. 

The advert board itself incorporates various fictional companies or personas we’ve been associated with over the course of our practice, for example, Cost Gallery, the space which Millicent Place tweets from in our piece ‘Mirror in the Text (or Nesting Narrative)’. 

The badges look perfect (if we don’t say ourselves) and will be lovely mementos that people will be able to recognise in other festival goers and also might find in the bottom of their bag weeks later, acting as a little trigger to their memories of their time at Aespia. This goes well with the whole ‘no phones policy’ as that’s the usual method people prescribe to when creating memories. 

There’s now also a Facebook page dedicated to our team that’s going to be signing all these new players for ludicrous amounts of money. Check that out >>>here<<< and give us a like ;) 

A late coming aspect is that we decided to include a gazebo for both practical and conceptual reasons. The practical being that if it rains we would be screwed and the conceptual being that it’s very much in line with sporting events to have some sort of area for the team to sit or have quick meetings. We’ve also managed to get some help on the day from Campbell Mcconnell and Sophie Popper - both excellent artists in their own right whose websites can be found by clicking on their respective names.