Sunday, 27 August 2017

b a c k f r o m t h e ' o l i d a y s

We’ve been on ‘oliday. But we’re back now and with good news that all the artists for The Wrong have been confirmed and are listed below. Some of the works have already started to trickle in which is exciting and we’re looking forward to seeing them all come together.

Command-Q - Agil Abdullayev
Command-X - Bob Bicknell-Knight
Command-O - Caitlin Merrett King
Command-F - Campbell Mcconnell
Command-V - Eden Mitsenmacher
Command-G - Emily Simpson
Command-A - Hazel Brill
Command-N - Jack Fisher
Command-P - Jeff Ko
Command-H - Jemma Egan
Command-S - Molly Soda
Command-Z - Naomi Ellis
Command-C - Realf Heygate
Command-M - Victoria Stadlin
Command-W - Vikky Young

Also very happy to report that our piece at Aespia festival went down pretty well. The people who chose to interact with it had a great time and really enjoyed themselves. Something we did find which we didn’t expect was that more men than women chose to participate; a lot of the time it might be a couple comprising of a man and a woman and only the man would take the photograph. So that was a bit of a shame and we were attempting to figure out how we could potentially fix that divide. Another thing was that people described themselves at not being interested in football and therefore didn’t want to partake which confused us slightly, seeing as no actual football took place. People also didn’t know whether it was a real football team or not which we found very amusing. It would be fun to do it again in a slightly different context to see how people reacted. Sophie and Campbell were amazing in their roles and it was excellent being able to step outside of the work and view it from an audience perspective so we were very grateful for that.

We finished our time at the art4u residency which slightly petered out towards the end due to us being at Aespia and just being super busy in general. But there was still a mysterious train a thought that was developed over the week so we’re pleased with it :) It's all archived at so if you missed it you can revisit.

The second edition of South Harrow Contemporary is coming up next week and considering it’s hosted in Tom Coates’ house (he’s a great artist click >>>here<<< for his website) we’ve gone for making a fruit bowl retrospective; this consists of about 4 bowls of fruit and all the fruit stickers are images of our previous works. People will be permitted to take the fruit if they wish. It’s got this link to the idea of these transitional spaces like hotel lobbies etc and just like art in art galleries, no one touches the fruit. It takes on this almost sculptural quality and symbolises a certain status within a certain context. However, within a house the context is domestic so the status symbol is diminished.