Friday 26 August 2016

i s i t s t e a l i n g i f n o o n e o w n s i t ?

We haven’t got any Internet at the moment so bare with us slightly! We’ve also now moved house and were taking a walk around our new area and found a pubic sculpture (photographed below) that has a blank stand where a plaque should be. Previously this would’ve held information about the artist or the piece itself but it’s empty. This feels like a perfect opportunity to claim it as ours. A slightly different idea to finding stuff and making it our art, instead we’re finding art and calling it our art. It’s a readymade that’s already a piece of work but is free from interpretation and we can just plug our own ideas straight in. We’ll go back and take proper measurements and get a plaque made for it. What will be written on it is still being decided but should in some way be referential to the notion of ownership and re-appropriation.


We’ve got the photographs back of ‘Bought Objects’ in Glasgow and we’re pretty pleased with them. The show looked great and our piece was displayed just how we wanted it. The ‘Bedroom Artists’ exhibition have got back to us and said that they require plastic cups for the opening and so we’re going to provide them – continuing the benefactor style position.

Some new stuff is the music collective 8MANA have very kindly said that we can curate a room of their next event in Leeds. The title is ‘Digital Wasteland’ and we’re going to be doing a call out to artists who would like to be shown on the night – we’re thinking films and other visually exciting content to go along side their crazy sounds. Click >>here<< to check out the event and if you want to get involved then contact us! The other new project is a show organised by Brooks and Groves, who interviewed us recently, and we’re going to be showing a new work ‘just ignore me’ which consists of us hiring a photographer for the private view and displaying a photo album for the remaining days of the exhibition. The install shot is is mocked up below; we wanted a nostalgic, reflective aesthetic to go with the idea of photography being this contemplative medium. We’re going away and bringing a sack of books so expect some mini reviews on our return.