Wednesday, 24 April 2019

m a k i n g s o m e c h a n g e s

We’ve been thinking a lot about the point of this blog and there have been a few times in the recent months that it’s felt more like a chore than a purposeful activity. This is probably because we feel it’s necessary to post every week and we had a specific idea of what we thought was necessary/important to post. We’re in the process of re-assessing these parameters; we’re now going to be posting about any ideas (big or small) regardless of whether or not they’re going to make it into the full-fledged artwork category. We hope that this will keep our ideas fresh and the art-making part of our brains sharp. These might be single lines of text or a bunch of bullet points but it will encourage us to use the space as a sketchbook – making notes and building on ideas. It could also be a single YouTube video or image we’ve seen that is accompanied by the reason we find it noteworthy. Let’s see how it goes…