Wednesday, 24 April 2019

m a k i n g s o m e c h a n g e s

We’ve been thinking a lot about the point of this blog and there have been a few times in the recent months that it’s felt more like a chore than a purposeful activity. This is probably because we feel it’s necessary to post every week and we had a specific idea of what we thought was necessary/important to post. We’re in the process of re-assessing these parameters; we’re now going to be posting about any ideas (big or small) regardless of whether or not they’re going to make it into the full-fledged artwork category. We hope that this will keep our ideas fresh and the art-making part of our brains sharp. These might be single lines of text or a bunch of bullet points but it will encourage us to use the space as a sketchbook – making notes and building on ideas. It could also be a single YouTube video or image we’ve seen that is accompanied by the reason we find it noteworthy. Let’s see how it goes…

Thursday, 18 April 2019

s t u d i o u p d a t e

The studio is going well! We’ve got all our stuff moved in and we’ve taken up the carpet and started painting the floor. Hopefully we’ll be able to take out the built-in cupboards so we’ve got more room. More progress pics to come...

Thursday, 11 April 2019

m o v i n g o n w a r d s a n d u p w a r d s

Big news is that we’ve finally got a studio! It’s part of the artist studio company in Brixton shared with a couple of friends. Feels very exciting to have somewhere to go to make stuff or just to have meetings or whatever we want! Onwards and upwards…

Thursday, 4 April 2019

s p e c t a c l e f o r s p e c t a c l e ' s s a k e

Went to see that Anne Imehof performance at the Tate and it was mad! So much going with so much spectacle involved; pouring bags of sugar onto each other from heights, throwing cans of larger around, setting things on fire. I enjoyed it for the same reasons I like the fast and furious franchise – it’s pure spectacle. I’m not sure if this makes it good art or not, in the same way that the fast and furious films aren’t necessarily great works of cinema. However, I do find them entertaining and I can’t deny that – the story is weak (and that’s being kind) and the characters are as 2 dimensional as they come but it’s not why I watch them. I don’t want all the films/art I see to be like this and it’s not a product that I want to be involved in making but it’s definitely something I enjoy in the moment.