Thursday, 12 April 2018

i n f o r m a t i o n s t a n d u p d a t e

We’re out of bed and making some progress with the information stand. The TVs are on and seem stable which is promising. 

We’re making some light boxes to go on the sides of the information stand to continue the general look. We’ve purchased the materials to build the them so hopefully they’ll be built next week. 

The fobs for the operating the lift in order to access the 4th floor and basement have also been purchased. They’ll sit in a little bucket on the stand and be a small memento that people can take home; something they might find in their pocket a week or two later and remember the work or be confused as to why they have it. 

In terms of what’s actually going to be on the TV, it’s going to be a sequence of short clips. There will be small reminders that relate to the content of the information stand such as “Have you got your fob for accessing the 4th floor and basement?”, “Make sure you check out the sculpture garden off site!”, and “Please feel free to take a map”. There will also be 3 to 4 suggestions of “what not to miss” on that specific day. Another small clip will be something to do with mascot, perhaps reminding them to get a photo or tell them to ask them if they need help with anything. Finally, there will also be a longer still shot of the events that are on that day.

The leaflet content is still ongoing, it’s now 23 pages of text which is pretty scary but once that’s all sorted we can design how we want them to look.