As we hoped we have managed to finalise all the works for An Exchange of Sorts which is exciting! Only aspect yet to be completed is the explainer video which is in the very final stages of the production, just requires the voice over to be added but the script and animation are looking superb. It’s exactly the sort of distant, impersonal thing we desired, kind of capturing what we do but at the same time being very vague and detached. The postcards have been ordered too, given them a little white, transparent band across the top providing details of the work, makes them feel slightly dated which goes with the rest of the ‘missing the point’ narrative. Really looking forward to seeing it all up in the space.
Finally de-installed Pre-sliced Orange Segments and decided to let Light Eye Mind keep the bench. Unfortunately they weren’t in a position to pay for it and what’re we going to do with all the wood? It’s not of an appropriate size to re-purpose and if we ever do want to we’re pretty sure they wouldn’t mind us taking it. It also feels nice to have an almost signature of our time there too – people might ask what the bench is about and there’s a story there, even if it’s not a hugely entertaining one!
We also began the our ProjectPlatform which is a part of KoProjects, a really great organisation founded by Jeff Ko. ProjectPlatform is basically an ongoing project that showcases the practice of artists, cultural producers, organisations and projects from around the world so we’re super excited to be a part of it! At the moment it’s been Jeff sending us interview style questions about our practice both artistically and curatorially which is always a fun challenge; being asked to define the actions you take and realising that the things you do are actually quite thought out but sometimes the thinking has happened much before the final conception.
Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir were passing through London so it would have been difficult not to take the opportunity to see them do their thing! Obviously it’s slightly different seeing them perform on a stage that actually out on the street protesting on their own special way but it continues to remind us of all the hilarious actions they’ve made. A favourite being that he’s banned from every Starbucks in the world after a series of protests against its “fake Bohemia” in which he tried to “exorcise” the demon of cookie-cutter capitalism from its stores. An excellent premise and executed superbly.
There’s also a new podcast out on Artists and Friends which you can either listen to on your podcast app on your mobile device or click >>>here<<< and you’ll find your way to the soundcloud link. It’s about the Artangel commission by Andy and Peter Holden, Natural Selection. We’re also going to be releasing the exclusive material we recorded as a part of the second issue of the isthisit? magazine so watch out for that!
Today was the install of the Mutants exhibition on the new space in Camden. The footprints are down and they look great! It feels like a lovely method of pulling all the works together in a similar manner to the bench at Light Eye Mind. In terms of a title we’ve gone for ‘It’s a moving object’. We were thinking about what someone might say if they were describing an artwork as a crime scene; so it's kind of ominous in its non-descriptive-ness.