Sunday, 24 September 2017

f a i l t o p l a n , p l a n t o f a i l

The open call for the exhibition we’re hosting at Light Eye Mind ended a few days ago and we’ve had so many great submissions! Looks like it’s going to be a really concise show with good range of work that explores the themes from a variety of different points. We’ve also decided to host a performance night the week proceeding the private view to accommodate a slightly more intimate gathering in order for the live work to be appreciated fully; occasionally opening nights can be a little too full on to enable more conversational/subtle material. 

We’ve now got a title for the exhibition which feels as if it solidifies it slightly. It’s similar to an episode of some TV show (potentially Friends?) when a couple (potentially Monica and Chandler?) decide on baby names before they’re born and consequently they catastrophise due to their existence being more ‘real’. On this occasion, it’s a little more essential to plan for those potential issues so any catastrophising is welcomed. The title we’ve chosen is ‘Pre-sliced Orange Segments’. It’s referencing the orange slices offered at halftime during kids’ football games whilst also referring to co-operative perceptions; an isolated orange segment is not an orange, but it does contribute to one, creating a whole new entity which is, as Kurt Koffka would say “other than the sum of its parts”. And it’s this collective activity of participating which we’re attempting to highlight in both sports teams and group art shows.