Friday, 5 February 2021

Memes, Multiple Finished Foams, Glass table top

And another month of solitude passes by… The Instagram residency we did with Orbit was fun. People seemed to enjoy the memes we made and it felt good to talk frankly about how we make stuff. All in all a worthwhile experience for both us and audience. Below is the selection of memes we made.

These final couple weeks of furlough, combined with having a physical project to get on with, has meant being in the studio most days. The large foam insert for the point of view gun has now been finished and photographed. Very pleased with how this one has turned out; feels quite strange to have been so part of the physical making process but since it’s made everything a lot cheaper it’s felt pretty good.

Also finished making the full edition of the smaller foam inserts. Very repetitive work but also very satisfying seeing them all done. Just need to hope they sell now…

We’ve finally started (and kind of finished) the glass table top work. Been at least a year in the making but hopefully it’s the first in a potential series involving mapping/tracking tabletop movements in particular film scenes. This one is from a clip in Layer Cake where the characters are discussing the next move after a violent incident. Everything in film is planned, even seemingly insubstantial movements are meticulously planned and scrutinised over in order to apply meaning. Just need to get some L hooks to hang it on the wall.